Tuesday, 23 May 2017


Right now I am posting during maths class and I am going to post an animal meme:

Awesome Cat Meme Click Here! 

Sunday, 21 May 2017

Science Digestive System

Today in Science with Mr. Velzian we made the digestive system out of plasticine.

Here is a picture of my finished model:

Doing this helped me to understand that the digestive system is really just one really long tube. 

The backwards 'C' at the top is the mouth, and the tube coming out of that is called the oesophagus. (Said esofogus) 
Connecting to that is the stomach, the first blob, and the blob next to it is the liver, gall bladder and gall bladder tube. 
The tube connected to the stomach is called the duodenum and the stick is called the pancreas. 
The small intestine (ileum) is the squiggles and the box is the large intestine (colon). Connecting to that is the rectum which finishes out at the anus.   

Here is one cat meme:

100 Word Challenge

Prompt: ‘...we seemed to be on the television…’ Title: Cheese! The crowds roared in the stands, the hot pies steamed and the rain poured dow...