Sunday 18 March 2018

100 Word Challenge

Prompt: ' did he/she get up there?...'

"LILY!" I yell. "COME DOWN PLEASE!" Tears are streaming down my face as I crane my neck towards the speck at the top of the Burj Khalifa. "HOW DID SHE GET UP THERE?" My Mother yells above the sound of the sirens screeching. I don't bother to reply. "SHE'S GONNA JUMP!!!" cries some man over the crowd. Everybody turns to watch except me. I can't bear to see my little sister, my dear little sister. Jump off the tallest building in the world. In our home town Dubai. And it's all because of me. A gasp. A scream. A thud. Then there's blood.

1 comment:

  1. I really like the way you have sort and acted on feedback, Caitlin. You are able to create vivid images through the use of words. The way you have punctuated your text also adds meaning to what you have written. Tinopai.


100 Word Challenge

Prompt: ‘...we seemed to be on the television…’ Title: Cheese! The crowds roared in the stands, the hot pies steamed and the rain poured dow...