Sunday, 27 May 2018

100 Word Challenge


“Yes! YES! The moon is almost full! I can feel it.” Yells the Sargent, even though he probably can’t as we are stuck in the pitch black shell…….
Of the durian. Legend says that when we have been inside here for 100 years the shell will open and we will take over the world!!! I see a slither of light, the Sargent was right! We pour continuously out of the fruit, and breathe in the fresh air. Landing softly on this green substance we march onwards to take over. Thud! Ten of the troops collapse on the ground. Then another, and another. I spin around only to realise the killer can’t be stopped. He is legendary, he is….


1 comment:

  1. Hello Caitlin,
    This is a great interpretation of the prompt. I do love being a 100WC commenter as each week I am surprised anew by such creative writers. You've used somee lovely language - slither, continuously, substance and although it's not that easy to read, I do like the font you're used.
    Thanks for sharing,
    Jackie (Team 100WC)
    New Plymouth


100 Word Challenge

Prompt: ‘...we seemed to be on the television…’ Title: Cheese! The crowds roared in the stands, the hot pies steamed and the rain poured dow...